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Diary of a Time Traveler Part 5

Our collective actions seem to reflect doubt more than confidence. People misunderstand the necessity of fear. Running toward the finish line with reckless abandon can get you into a lot of trouble fast. They’re looking at it from the wrong perspective. We’ve all seen the outcomes, whether simulated or real. What is there to doubt? When the process is followed, all the calculations are meticulously made, and instincts honed, confidence should reign supreme. No one ever listens, though. Doubt is chum in the water of your soul. It provides food for the sharks of fear to feast upon. Once doubt enters the mind, your fear gains strength. If you believe in the process, then faith is all you need. Faith is the stern hand that keeps your doubt from feeding your fear. Just like the apex predators that lurk in the depths of the oceans, fear is a necessary component of life that doesn’t mean you let it control you. Fear, like love, though irrational, is an essential human emotion that must be respected. Like sharks in the water, fear keeps you vigilant and aware of the reality surrounding you, so you don’t get complacent. But, under the light of faith, doubt cannot exist. So I say do not doubt the process and embrace faith. Inevitability is a self-fulfilling prophecy. A greater future is on its way. We will be okay. We just need to stay the course.

Traveler Diary Entry (Written while in Tether, July 24th, 2020) 
Birth Timeline, e.g., Timeline of Origin (BT): 33A-396 
Origin or Anchor Point: 2323.6.24.1230.30.10 

– Jones Silas Patten

Published inBlogTime Traveler

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