Hello again. When it comes to working full time and writing I have recently found myself struggling to find adequate time to write. This is mostly my fault, as I tend to procrastinate for weeks and then frantically write 20,000 words in a weekend, but some of it is trying to find the balance between work and my writing. It can feel like a second job, and even though it is something I enjoy, I still find myself pushing it off. Why is it that work can have such an adversarial impact on your writing?
I also have noticed a deterioration in what I write, not just how much I write. When I write on the weekends it tends to flow much better, it requires much less revision, and not take nearly as long to get my ideas down on paper. When I write after work I will spend hours just trying to come up with a way to explain a simplistic idea. This is what I have noticed recently, it wasn’t always like this, and I am not sure if it is just writers’ block or something more.
Writing in itself is not the most challenging part, but when I was talking to Parker earlier this week and we were brainstorming for our next story in the series, I truly recognized how much more goes into writing than just the writing itself. With social media, ads on different platforms, cover art, editing, and all of the other trivial things that come along with writing, it is easy to lose yourself in that side of it and not focus on your writing.
This is just my take on it, and maybe it’s just me not having the self-discipline to make time to write. I get discouraged when I write something and it isn’t good so I tend to avoid writing after work for that reason as well, but I also think that maybe I should just push through it and write no matter what. As always, let me know what you think and don’t forget to like us on Facebook @BryantAndParker, on Twitter @BryantandParke1, and on Instagram @bryant_and_parker and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog!
I am currently finding myself procrastinating from all the aspects attached to writing, as you said, like everything having to do with marketing, which I know needs to be done, but which I personally am not motivated toward. So, I watch all kinds of videos on all the different aspects of marketing for the indie writer, and while I watch them, my attitude is positive and energetic. It’s easy for my mind to get bogged down with the important “busy work” of writing (book covers don’t bother me, in fact I find the process to be stimulating) which takes up a lot of time from writing and space in my mind. My current book project has, sadly, taken a back seat to all of this. It’s an indie writer’s conundrum, I reckon!